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Back Bay Records - Rare & Collectable New and Used Vinyl


We are a family owned online record store, run by people who are passionate about music and the quality of the music we send to you. We have an extensive catalogue of around 125,000 LPs, 7", 12", CDs and Cassettes.

We are a registered business which strives to deliver excellent customer service at all times.

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Back Bay Records
South Lanarkshire, United Kingdom
Overall Rating:
Feedback: 99.7% positive (287 ratings)
Fill Rate: 94%
Time To Ship: 0.9 days (22.6 hrs)
Response Time: 1.6 days
Transactions: 832
Seller Since: July 2014 (10.7 years)
Inventory: 0 items (18 days ago)

Store Information   Shipping Costs   Grading   Return Policy  

Payments Accepted:
PayPal (GB Pounds / No Extra Fees)

Away Notice
We are currently closed for vacation - back soon