Krohn's Boulevard Black Friday Sale starts November 1 ! 60% off all Used Vinyl over $4.00. No prior sales can qualify.

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Black Friday Sale starts November 1 ! 60% off all Used Vinyl over $4.00. No prior sales qualify.
Title Price GBP  Media  Condition  Label 
Shame On Me 3.30  LP  M-/VG+  W.B. BS-3099 
Item Number: 18166 BK

burbank label / wear ring
Release Date: 1977

Shipping Methods:
USA -LP - MEDIA Mail - $7.00 first, free shipping second LP, +$.750 additional disc, with delivery confirmation
USA - LP - PRIORITY Mail $22 + $2 each additional. Further away costs more.
USA - 45 or CD - FIRST CLASS Mail $7.00 + $1.00 each additional disc
Canada & Mexico - LP -Priority Mail International/No Tracking $16 + $4.00 each additional LP. (Monday - Friday)
Canada & Mexico - 45 or CD - Priority Mail International/No Tracking $10 + $4 each additional. (Monday - Friday)
World - 45 or CD - Priority Mail International/No Tracking $14 + $4.00 each additional. (Monday - Friday)
World - LP - International Priority Mail / No Tracking $23 + $5.00 each additional LP. (Monday - Friday)

We ask for payment within 7 days, otherwise it may sell to someone else. If you really want it you will pay for it as soon as possible, or PLEASE LET US KNOW. We will hold for only a certain number of days, after that the order is cancelled, unless you let us know whats going on and why its taking so long for payment to reach us. Please pay in US $ only because by the time it converts it always comes out less. Thanks!
ANYTHING CAN BE PLACED ON CDR, WITH LABEL & GLOSSY INSERT FOR $20 AN LP PLUS SHIPPING. Special rates for multiple orders. Your record or one purchased from me. Prepaid. In sparkling high definition 24 bit 96khz sound, noise reduction, label, case, glossy insert, the works, a professional looking job. The warmth of vinyl with the clarity & convenience of a cd, hundreds of times better than most cds sound.
Due to recent increases by USPS we have had to adjust shipping rates accordingly. I have found a company for overseas packages that is less expensive and far faster than USPS. Due to the travel time and distance to get to this shipper, I can only make the trip twice a week. Right now Tuesdays & Fridays are the planned shipping dates, subject to circumstances (weather, orders, etc.). These rates are based on what we have actually paid in the past year. Paypal & Musicstack surcharges are mainly already applied, as well as a modest handling fee to help pay for packing materials, etc.
We Reserve the right to charge for Registered Mail Shipping on any order that we deem of high value. Registered Mail is additional cost, but will provide some insurance and tracking with proof of delivery but is much slower.
We charge according to what we've paid in the past - we have a list of weights of everything mailed out for the past 10+ years and can figure out the weight of most combinations very easily and then call or go online to the Post Office to find the current postage rate. Please remember - the more you order the heavier your package is going to be and the more it will cost to ship. I have no control over that, and the fees charged for Paypal or Musicstack. These rates are approximate, but very close, as you will see from my postage rates.
All Overseas (anything out of country) parcels are shipped with a customs form indicating the value. Any customs fees are your responsibility.
I use International Mail Service, a local company, for foreign orders and so far I can only say good things about them & their service. It is USPS bulk rate but faster, and much less expensive. Priority Mail International and you get it usually within 2 weeks, depending on customs in your country.
CDs in sleeves are bargain priced, non-returnable, ans ship First Class with a piece of cardboard for protection for $1 less than regular cds in jewel cases. Sorry, I cannot take anything out of a jewel case and send it in a sleeve. Only those listed as in sleeve or no case.

Return Policy:
Contact me, we'll work it out to both our satisfactions. I pack very securely, and insurance is your option, after I place it in the mail I can no longer control the orders treatment. If that is a concern, please add insurance. I had a few arrive broken a couple years ago, but nothing since, and very few before that. Please wait for me to confirm the order and total it before paying, anyone paying before I confirm it will get their money returned immediately. I can't survive long if everyone shorts me two or three dollars an order, so please wait for confirmation. Make sure it is the right item you are ordering. I give you enough information online to know, and I will always answer a few questions about an item, like if you want to know if a certain song is on there before you order. Or please check The All Music Guide's website for personnel and song titles. Once I click shipped its out of my hands and on its way to you, packed securely and with the address plainly on the front. If you claim it gets lost in transit, how do I know you're scamming me or not? No refunds, no returns. Talk to me, if there is a error on my part I will rectify it or negotiate it to both our satisfaction, but its your record once it leaves here. Sometimes they get hung up in customs in your country for months and I cannot do anything about that. Things below item #20,000 might be a little overgraded, but is priced accordingly. Over 20k I started grading really strict. There will always be disagreements over condition, no two people grade alike, and there will be some discrepancies. Sorry, but thats life.
If you want to return an item to us, please contact us and explain the reason you want to return. You need to receive an authorization by email to return any item. We will work with each customer and situation in a professional manner to resolve any issue.
"Please note that unfortunately we can not accept any responsibility under any circumstances whatsoever for any items lost or damaged sent uninsured."

Grading of Items:
Inititals such as BK, LP, DH, RS, DK, PCJ, PDG, and others are just to tell me who brought me the record. I sell on consignment.
N (new) is what I use for sealed records. I do not reseal albums nor do I know anyone who does so it's just like it came from the distributor. If I see writing on a sealed album I will note that it is probably a resealed but it hasn't happened yet. I try to describe everything I can see on a cover
M (mint)is flawless and I rarely use because if its opened and been played only once, its no longer mint.
NM (near mint) is nearly flawless, and is what I label everything that looks Mint and no lines around the center hole or outer, raised lip. When I first started grading I used M but now use NM Near Mint for a near-flawless, unplayed looking record. Again, anything opened, whether it's been played or not is no longer Mint, so Near Mint qualifies.
M- (mint minus) something that only has very few of the lightest marks visible when you turn it in the light. May have been played, can tell due to center hole and outer lip
VG+ (very good plus) has very few light marks and is acceptable
VG (very good) plus or minus signs show varying degrees of light marks. I am getting stricter in my grading. what used to be M- is now VG+ or VG++. Prices reflect condition and I have more records under $10 that would go for more at other dealers.

VG- has more scratches and would probably not be in your best interest to bother with. altho there are some gems to be found in the vg- section because the more records I grade, the stricter I get
G (good or Poor) don't bother with, listed only due to rarity.
VSCW - Very Slight Cover Wear
SCW - Some or Slight Cover Wear
CC - cut corner
CO - cutout
Due to not everyone knowing these abbreviations, I have started typing them out. Drill hole or cut corner and other cutout marks are usually just noted as cutout, altho there may be some more defined than that.
Cover grading - I tried for the last several years to put these grades on covers but because of differences in cover first/record last or record first/cover last, decided it was too confusing and will continue to describe any and all flaws with the cover. Some of these have been in my possession for a while, been moved several times, and so a little more wear may have been accelerated on them, which I try to note before I pack it up and let you know if there are any changes from the listed description of the whole package.
Thank you for your patronage, I appreciate it.

CDs in sleeves are bargain priced, non-returnable, and ship First Class with a piece of cardboard for protection for $1 less than regular cds in jewel cases. Sorry, I cannot take anything out of a jewel case and send it in a sleeve. Only those listed as in sleeve or no case.

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Monday - Saturday
10:00 am - 9:00 pm


Phone: (269) 270-6335


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