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Barnes, George




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$23.38 USD  +  shipping

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Format: CD
Condition: NEW    More Info
Label: EL TORO 00473006
Released: 20150201
Genre: ROCK/G
Quantity: 1 in stock

Considering his huge importance and influence during the early history of that most revered musical instrument - the electric guitar - the name of George Barnes is sadly neglected today, at best dismissed as a minor jazz performer. Yet in his prime years, between the late 1930s and early 1960s, George was a talented and ubiquitous sessioneer, anonymously tackling blues, country, jazz, r&b, pop, rockabilly and rock n roll with ease. These two volumes have been compiled to finally recognise his long overlooked brilliance

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Sugar And Spice

Sugar And Spice (Netherlands)

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