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Robert Wyatt / Peter Blackman


Stalin Wasn't Stalling / Stalingrad



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$4.20 USD  +  shipping

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Format: 7"     Want this on CD also?

Condition: VERY GOOD PLUS (VG+) / VERY GOOD PLUS (VG+) (cover/media)    More Info
Label: Rough Trade RT046
Country: UK
Released: 1981-01-28
Genre: Political
Num In Set: 1
Quantity: 1 in stock
Seller Ref:   959512940 1

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AStalin Wasn't Stalling

Matrix / RunoutSide A etched, variant 1: A PORKY PRIME CUT I JUST WANNA BE YOUR TEDDY BEAR. RT046.A1✳︎
Matrix / RunoutSide B etched, variant 1: STEEL-SKIN. RT0 46 B1✳︎ DAMONT
Matrix / RunoutStamped A, variant 1: DAMONT
Matrix / RunoutSide A etched, variant 2: A PORKY PRIME CUT D I JUST WANNA BE YOUR TEDDY BEAR. RT046.A1✳︎
Matrix / RunoutSide B etched, variant 2: A STEEL+SKIN. RT0 46 B1✳︎ DAMONT

Engineer - Skipper Kidron
Mastered By - Porky
Photography By - Yevgeni Khaldei

p 1980 Rough Trade

Back cover quote:

'From the time the Russians came into the war, they contended, most of the time, with four fifths of the German Army, and never with less than three quarters'.
(A.J.P. Taylor)

The cover photograph was taken in the USSR in May 1945 by Yevgeni Khaldei (from the David King Collection, London)

Simon P Jones

Simon P Jones (Lancashire, United Kingdom)

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Feedback: 99% positive (973 ratings)
Fill Rate: 89% availability
Time To Ship: 0.2 days (4.8 hrs)
Response Time: Response Time: 0.1 days (3.4 hrs)

Seller For: 22.9 years
Transactions: 2,177

1,287 items   Updated 432 days ago

Payment Accepted:
PayPal (all payments must be in pounds sterling), Cash (pounds sterling), Cash (usa dollars £1 = $2), Cash (Euros £1 = 1.5 euros), Personal Check (pounds sterling), Postal (uk only)

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