3.b | | El Buen Rey Wenceslao "Good King Wenceslao" | | |
3.c | | Nosotros Los Reyes Magos "We Three Kings" | | |
3.d | | Villancico | | |
3.e | | Escuchad Los Ángeles Cantan "Hark, The Herald Angels Sing" | | |
4.a | | Isabel, Trae Una Antorcha "Bring A Torch, Isabella" | | |
4.b | | Mira Como Florece Una Rosa "Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming" | | |
5.a | | Adorna La Casa "Deck The Halls" | | |
5.b | | Los Cristianos Se Regocijan "Christan Men Rejoice" | | |
5.c | | El Maestro Está En Este Lugar "Master's In The Hall" | | |
5.d | | O'Tannenbaum | | |
1 | | Noche Sagrada "Minuit Chretien" | | |
2 | | El Pequeño Tamborilero "The Little Drummer Boy" | | |
3.a | | Villancico de Coventry "Coventry Carol" | | |
3.b | | En Pie, Pastores "Rise Up Shepherds" | | |
3.c | | Descansad En Dios, Felices Caballeros "Good Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" | | |
3.d | | Oh, Pueblecito De Belén "O' Little Town Of Bethlehem" | | |
3.e | | Oh, Niños, Venid "O' Come Little Children" | | |
4.a | | Ding Dong | | |
4.b | | Mientras Los Pastores Vigilaban Sus Rebaños Por La Noche "While Shephers Watched Their Flocks By Night" | | |
4.c | | La Primera Navidad "The First Noel" | | |
4.d | | Simpáticos Animales "The Friendly Beast" | | |
5.a | | Noche De Paz "Silent Night" | | |
5.b | | Adeste Fideles | | |
5.c | | Felicitaciones de Navidad "A Christmas Greetings" | | |